Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fairy Garden

I made this gazebo for the "fairy garden" I created in an old patio fireplace. There is a little gazing ball in front of it for the fairies to cast their magic spells. It seems that a little fairy has already taken residence!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day

On the first of May I like to make May baskets for women who are kindred spirits- who inspire me. I tried to make the colors of their baskets reflect the qualities I most admire in each:

The blue and green one is for Ibtisam - those are her Pisces colors-and they symbolize the element of water. Water, in turn, being the symbol of deep emotion, life and motherhood. She is the perfect mother "her children rise up and call her blessed". Deeply loving, caring and gentle, she inspires me with her humanity.
The pink one is for Anne-who is as perfect as an English rose. She inspires me with her exquisite taste in everything she touches. Her home, her garden and her person are all lovely in every way!
Kendra was born in February and is represented by the color purple. Purple is associated with inner vision. Kendra inspires me with her boundless creativity and craftsmanship and her ability to manifest her inner vision. Where I would say "good enough" she always takes the time to do it right.