Nothing could prepare me for the call on Thanksgiving morning informing us that in the Ukraine Ashley was in the hospital with stomach pains. Ashley trying to be positive... Ashley crying ...Ultrasound tomorrow...Probably not appendicitis...And then there's the friendly Peace Corps official calling from Washington cheerfully offering that as she is still in training she would get really good care "lots of people to help her there now, it's when she's on her own that you'd be concerned". WHAT??!
Fortunately, everything worked out fine. She's fine- nothing serious! I talked to her yesterday and she is back to normal. Whew! Okay, steady now...just two years to go.
I have an amazing friend, Cathy, who I swear has a pipeline directly to God (she would say we all do!) We are separated by 800 miles and yet whenever I have a crisis in my life she just seems to know. She called me just after all this happened and prayed with me. It was Thanksgiving and after speaking to Cathy I felt grateful for so many things- for her friendship of course-for my family, for the doctors and nurses caring for my child half a world away, for the communication that makes it possible to check on her so easily, for her wonderful host mother who stayed with her throughout her ordeal. For people of Faith and Service. And for having a daughter who can make this kind of committment.
I wake up every morning just before dawn- I like to watch the sunrise. Looking eastward, I think of my Ashley, already well into her day and there is gratitude and thanks giving as I remember how wonderful this world can be.