Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 The Roman Army was of course, the reason the Republic was able to conquer half the world. It was the order, precision and teamwork that we still see today in drill competitions that gave the Legionnaires control over their Barbarian opponents. The men were cogs in a great military machine, and when one part was not in alignment, it was eliminated. When an entire Unit was at fault, the men were divided into groups of ten with lots being drawn to choose the one for execution- which would be administered by the remaining nine.
 In this piece, squares represent the ideal form of Man Made Order; squares are a human invention and don't exist in nature. As each tenth square is rent from the others, the order eventually slips away.
 Everything in Life is yearning to find the Center. The opposite of the pathological urge towards military control is Anarchy. When either extreme is on the ascendant, "things fall apart-the center cannot hold".

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


SPQR: Senatus Populus que Romanus- "The Senate and the People of Rome" was emblazoned on every Roman coin- every soldiers helmet and shield. It was to be seen everywhere on the streets of Rome. It conveyed the notion that the vast Roman Empire was a utopia of freedom, civility and honor which was of the people, by the people and for the people. Before the birth of Christ, Romans had hot running water!

I've been thinking about Ancient Rome a lot lately. And about how civilizations rise...and fall.
There are various theories as to why such an advanced society could be reduced to the point at which the aqueducts ran dry and sheep grazed in vacant temples. I often wonder what will become of our own advanced civilization...

 Everything eventually is reclaimed by the Earth and yet sometimes we are given glimpses of what once was. In this piece I thought of what it would be like to sift through generations of neglect to find a token of the order and splendor that was the Roman Republic. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

42nd Annual Pilsen East Artist's Open House

42nd Annual Pilsen East Artists Open House Friday, October 5th, 6-10pm
Saturday, October 6th, 12-7pm
Please note- no Sunday date this year!

Come explore the galleries and artist's studios of beautiful Pilsen. So much to see and do!  I'll be at 1915 South Halsted Street

Hope to see you there...