Tuesday, October 2, 2012


SPQR: Senatus Populus que Romanus- "The Senate and the People of Rome" was emblazoned on every Roman coin- every soldiers helmet and shield. It was to be seen everywhere on the streets of Rome. It conveyed the notion that the vast Roman Empire was a utopia of freedom, civility and honor which was of the people, by the people and for the people. Before the birth of Christ, Romans had hot running water!

I've been thinking about Ancient Rome a lot lately. And about how civilizations rise...and fall.
There are various theories as to why such an advanced society could be reduced to the point at which the aqueducts ran dry and sheep grazed in vacant temples. I often wonder what will become of our own advanced civilization...

 Everything eventually is reclaimed by the Earth and yet sometimes we are given glimpses of what once was. In this piece I thought of what it would be like to sift through generations of neglect to find a token of the order and splendor that was the Roman Republic. 

1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtful and effective, Laura. I sometimes wonder what civilizations may have existed long before Rome and became lost without a trace. Cycles of brilliance coming and going. Wouldn't it be fun to really know?!
