Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Today Is The Tomorrow....

"Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday" reads the embroidery sampler my mother started over thirty years ago. It was to be a present for my brother Ray. When she died in 1986 and we were cleaning out the old family home, I came across this and intended to finish it for her and present it to Ray one day. However, the lack of time along with my lack of skill (and patience) in the needle arts have prevented my progress.

 My mother was a master craftswoman and the back side of her needlepoint, embroidery or crewelwork canvasses were as flawless as the front. She could knit, crochet, sew, and even make lace. The dresses she made for me in grade school were legendary- teachers and moms would stop me and turn the hems of my dress to admire her finishing work. No loose threads or dropped stitches ever.

 Clearly, I am not the heir to her perfectionism, nor is my frankly hyperactive personality conducive to sitting for long stretches of time in order to create the kind of art my mother created. I like to stand when drawing or painting and never spend all that much time on any piece of work, I'm certainly not a master of anything-which is probably why only 3 people will ever read this blog...

 Anyway- I'm on the eve of surgery to correct the progress of arthritis in my foot. The recovery is supposedly pretty long and for sure I'll be off my feet for a few weeks, and yes, I'm worried about tomorrow. My foot doesn't work like it used to- at first I couldn't run- now I can't walk and it's always painful. I am anxious for a full recovery so I can get back to my hyperactive lifestyle.

Or am I?

The embroidery hoop is still in place where Mother last worked on it and I am wondering if, in that space of stillness, I can magically absorb some of her patience. The pace will be maddeningly slow but as each tiny stitch comes together to form the whole I might learn that something beautiful can be made out of time and effort.


  1. I think if teachers are looking under the hem of your dress you're supposed to tell an adult
